


挖泥機-可以日租計算, 最低消費為1 日 及來回搬機費用。已包師傳薪金、燃油費用、機械租金。



  1. 工作環境:馬路面/泥面 , 馬路面要用膠鏈挖泥機(避免鐵鏈磨損地面)

  2. 跟唔跟機手: 機手(操作挖泥機) 平均日薪(08:00-18:00) $1200/日

  3. 配備炮仔: 打馬路石矢 (每日計算- $300-$1000)

  4. 搬機費 (以去程及返程)計算


$ 2400
  • 包機手人工、機租油費
  • 搬機費來回$2000


  1. App 或網頁24小時租機
  2. 確認規格及價錢
  3. 提送資料(現場環境相片,方便我們為你提供合適噸數及類型的挖泥機)
  4. 明天到機


  1. 勾機達人24小時幫緊你
  2. 完工收錢
  3. 最快聽日有機
  4. 可安排免費睇位服務


  1. 細機(1-5噸)  中機(5-20噸)  大機(20噸-35噸)  特大機(35噸以上)

  2. 噸數是指挖機的淨重量

  3. 標準尾駝/ 沒尾駝

  4. 加長臂/伸縮臂/搖擺臂

  5. 油電機/ 柴油機

  6. QPME /沒QPME

  7. 黃証//綠証

3噸 日租$2300 包機手、油渣


4噸$2400/日包機手、油渣 , +$200/日炮仔
-VIO 30 3噸配炮仔 $2300/日包機手、油渣, +$200/ 炮仔


火轆 【基本租機攻略2021】


Trenching & Excavation

Trenching and excavating are common construction activities and and if not performed safely, can result in serious injuries and even fatalities.  An excavation is any kind of  cut, cavity, trench or depression in the earth’s surface resulting from rock or soil removal.

trench is a very specific type of excavation, specifically one that is:

  • less than 3.7 metres [12ft] wide at the bottom;
  • more than 1.2 metres [4ft] deep; and
  • any length.


The most common types of hazards that cause fatalities during trenching and excavating are:

Power line contacts


The risk of cave-in or coming into contact with an energized power line are not the only hazards when working in or near a trench. Many other injuries and deaths are also related to:

Vehicular traffic

Dropped objects

Exposure to toxic, irritating or flammable gasses

Struck by heavy equipment

Falling over unprotected edges

Material handling

Uneven ground

Common Controls

All of the above hazards can be controlled to either eliminate or minimize the risk to an acceptable level. Some of these control measures include:

Training Requirements

Workers should receive instruction on the hazards associated with trenching and excavation, controls necessary and emergency response.  Participants in the COR® Program must ensure that those involved in trenching activities complete a formal trenching and excavation training course that has been reviewed and approved by the NLCSA.

To ensure the safety of workers in and around a trench or excavation, training appropriate to the hazard will be required. This might include certification in Traffic Control, Power Line Hazards, Confined Space Entry, WHMIS 2015 etc.

In addition to the legislative training, workers must receive training on the specific equipment that they may be required to use and task specific procedures.