GS1930 -企腳位5.7M ,工作高度為7.7M

可載兩人(500kg), 升降台重量為1300KG



GS1930 - 5.7米 較剪車

$ 1000 星期
  • 包升降台表格一、四、五
  • 平日來回運費$2000
  • 到機付款(免按金)


最短租期為一星期, 最低消費為$3000(包含來回運輸費、証書及教機費用)


1. 先提供卡片及商業登記
2. 簽回報價單
3. 出機規格及聯絡電話及到機時間
4. 運輸前一晚聯絡客戶到機時間
5. 安排出機
6. 到機教機及收支票



升降台FORM 1


表格1 – 起重機械的每週一次檢查結果報告(LALG-F1)  按此

表格4 – 起重機械(起重機、起重滑車及絞車除外)的測試及徹底檢驗結果證明書(LALG-F4)

表格5 – 起重機械在過往十二個月內進行的徹底檢驗結果證明書(LALG-F5)


由機械供應商委派認可人士到現場授教(教機) (Training record)(受訓記錄)


(Training record)(受訓記錄)




#升降台價錢#升降台高度#升降台租#升降台英文#升降台買賣#直立式電動升降台#升降台租賃香港#電動升降台價錢#升降台表格#電動升降台英文#升降台公司#升降台租用#流動升降台#升降台香港#升降台重量#升降台淘寶#升降台 form 1


The GS1930 inclined wheelchair lift is a robust yet compact lift solution ideal for navigating inclines in virtually any location. Manufactured by Savaria Concord, a global leader in accessibility equipment, the GS1930 lift provides automated access for wheelchair users and mobility-challenged individuals over slopes and challenging terrain.


The GS1930 is a rack and pinion lift that is installed directly onto an existing incline. It can be configured for either indoor or outdoor use and a variety of lift capacities are available. The lift travels along an easy-to-install guide rail system that produces a smooth, stable ride over inclines up to 50 feet long with up to 70 degrees of slope. The lift is battery-powered so no access to AC power is required. The batteries are charged automatically at the end stations.


Compact in size, the GS1930 only requires 48 inches of run, making it suitable for installation in tight spaces. The lift is manufactured from durable, weather-resistant materials including anodized aluminum and stainless steel hardware. It delivers excellent performance in a variety of outdoor weather conditions including rain, snow and extreme heat or cold. An optional weather-protective canopy is available for added protection from the elements.


For operation, passengers simply wheel onto the lift, fasten the seat belt and select their destination using the easy-to-reach controls. The lift automatically transports the passenger to the selected floor. An obstruction sensor provides an added safety mechanism, bringing the lift to a stop if it encounters any barrier. The lift also features grab bars, non-skid flooring, up/down indicators and emergency stop buttons for maximum security.


The GS1930 wheelchair lift delivers automated access over slopes and inclines where traditional elevators are not possible. It helps public venues and private residences comply with accessibility requirements and provides mobility independence for all. Easy to install and highly reliable, the GS1930 is the ideal solution for navigating over hilly, challenging terrain.
