電動升降台 – 操作上簡單易用, 只需家用13A 電源充電, 即可使用。電動升降台主要行車及升高的動作由搖控操作。同時電動升降台配備內置平水儀器, 使用者必需於平地使用電動升降台。電動升降台可在狹小的空間操作, 低噪音、零排放,在室內或室外堅硬的水平地面施工。
租升降台相關實用資訊:履帶升降台 |升降台操作教學-2分鐘|迷你升降台-最低消費如何計算?|小型升降台-【2022終極租升降台攻略】|手動升降台 攻略【最低星期價錢】|升降台 FORM 1-是什麼?|升降台 一鍵租機

平日-星期一至星期六 日間送機時(09:00-17:00) 包簡單講解使用、升降台安全証書

電動升降台-由前輪驅動前後左右,零內轉彎半徑,可以摺疊扶手縮至不足2米高度,及機身窄度760 mm 輕鬆進入單門及雙門。平台工作空間大,可擴至0.91米。使用升降台時需有升降台FORM 1 、FORM 4 FORM 5 及書面操作培訓記錄作查核用。斜路不能使用升降台升高及降低。
2.電動升降台Catalog RM04B(3.8米單柱)、 GS1930(5.7米鉸剪)、GS2032(6.1米鉸剪)、GS2646(7.9米鉸剪)、GS3246(9.7米鉸剪) 予管理處
4.夜間送機安排(5.5噸密斗車、13噸吊雞車 或 24噸尾板車是否可進入)
5.送機距離由租用者運送(車邊交機) 額外吊運需使用吊雞車<按此>

最小租期為星期租(7天) ,首星期後以每日計算,同時亦可月租。
到機時會收取一星期租及來回運費。常見GS1930 一星期($1000)及來回運費共收$3000。
GS1930若超過3星期 ,會轉成月租($3200/月)。
1.要加裝圍網? 加圍網錢($200 /月)
2.要教機? 加教機錢 ($800 一次性)
3.要10 年內的升降台 (跟市價)
4.要NDT (Non- destructive test) (跟市價)

2.確認規格( 13A 家用 ) / (圍網)

3.8米 RM04B Catalog
平台高度:3.8 M.
機身尺寸: 1.25M x 0.77 M x 1.73 M.
重量:630 kg

電動升降台 (平台高度:4.5m)
SWSL0607DC Catalog
升降台工作高度(Working Height):4.5 m
升降台工作高度(Working Height):7.79 m
7.9米GS2646 Catalog
Genie GS 2646
升降台工作高度(Working Height):9.92 m
9.7米GS3246 Catalog
Genie GS3246
升降台工作高度(Working Height):11.75 m

1.在租機易App 註冊/登入帳戶
2・按極速租機後,點選升降台 -種類及輸入地點、工期
升降台英文, 升降台高度, 租升降台, 直立式升降台, 直立式電動升降台, 升降台租賃香港, 高空升降台, 升降台維修, 升降台表格, 電動升降台英文, 小型升降台, 升降台租用, 升降台 form 1, 升降台牌, 升降台消防, 升降台安全帶,電動升降台,小型升降台,升降台價錢,升降台英文,高空升降台,升降台買賣,升降台租賃香港,升降台公司,升降台牌,租升降台車,小型升降台,直立式電動升降台,升降台牌,電動升降台英文,genie升降台,較剪式電動升降台,較剪式電動升降台價錢,摺臂式電動升降台,電動升降台香港,電動升降桌,實驗室電動升降台,電動升降台,手動升降桌,升降台英文,升降書台,升降台價錢,升降台表格,升降台消防,現代升降台,升降枱,電動升降台英文,電動升降台, 街燈車, 高空升降台, Scissor platform, 升降台租賃香港, 較剪台英文, genie升降台, 電動升降台英文, 較剪式電動升降台價錢, 較剪車英文,街燈車, Scissor platform, 直立式電動升降台, 升降台租賃香港, 較剪車英文, 鉸剪車英文, 較剪式電動升降台價錢, genie升降台, 電動升降台英文, 街燈車英文,升降台高度,升降台租,升降台英文,升降台價錢,升降台租用,升降台表格,升降台 form 1,升降台消防,升降台安全帶,升降台 form 4,升降台價錢,升降台租,升降台英文,升降台高度,升降台表格,升降台 form 4,升降台租用,升降台 english,升降台原理,升降台電腦, 升降台高度,升降台租,升降台英文,升降台 form 4,升降台 form,升降台香港,升降台價錢,升降台手推車,升降台電腦,升降台表格,升降台使用,升降台操作,升降台課程,室內升降台
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#升降台 #鉸剪車 #鉸剪台 #高空台 #工作台 #GS1930 #租升降台 #較剪車 #較剪台#升降台價錢#升降台英文#升降台買賣#升降台租賃香港#電動升降台價錢#升降台高度#直立式電動升降台#genie升降台#直立式升降台#現代升降台#租升降台價錢#電動升降台英文#升降台租賃香港#升降台買賣#直立式電動升降台#升降台高度#較剪式電動升降台 價錢#現代升降台#升降台租用#小型升降台#升降台價錢#升降台英文#升降台租賃香港#租升降台#升降台買賣#升降台高度#電動升降台價錢#直立式電動升降台#高空升降台#升降台公司#小型升降台#升降台英文#單人升降台#租升降台車#升降台genie#升降枱#Topsunhk#伸 臂式升降台#升降台 買賣#工程 升降台 英文#高 台車#升降台維修#升降台車#大東升降台#鋁 工作台#大東國際棚業有限公司#大東 街燈 車#大東機械貿易有限公司旺角#KUDO32#升降台買賣#升降台操作#消防升降台高度#地盤升降台英文#街燈車英文#志 昂 機械#Yf aerial platform#自動 升降 台車#電動升降枱
#現代升降台#升降台表格#工作升降台英文#手搖式升降台#升降工作檯#高空工作牌照#Elevating work platforms code of practice
Aerial Lift Truck –
Template Program for Public Works
The following Aerial Lift Truck template program has been developed by the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards to assist municipal, county, and state agencies prevent work-related injury. The template is developed to comply with the OSHA regulation on Aerial Lift Trucks, 29 CFR 1910.67.
From 2010-2016 there have been more than 4 fatalities in Massachusetts when workers were ejected from the bucket work platform of an aerial lift truck. This sample program was developed to help public sector employers prevent these accidents.
Is a written program mandatory? No. The OSHA standard on aerial lifts, 29 CFR 1910.67 does not require a written program. However, having a written program can make your safety efforts more efficient.
Am I required to use the DLS template? No. You may already have a written program from APWA, APPA, or your insurance carrier. You can use the DLS template to review your current program. The template is provided for employers who may be starting from scratch and want to know minimum requirements.
How to use this template program:
The template contains some fill-in-the-blank areas. Fill in the information with specific details for your department/agency. You may also decide to add additional information to be stricter than the minimum OSHA requirements.
The Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards has resources for public sector employees to reduce work-related injuries and illnesses. Visit us at www.mass.gov/dols/wshp.
Aerial Lift Safety Program
Purpose: This program describes procedures to prevent injury while conducting work with an aerial lift truck. This program applies to all aerial lift truck operations, regardless of whether it is a planned project or emergency.
Harness and lanyard: All personnel working in the aerial lift platform (bucket) are required to use fall protection/restraint using a full-body harness and lanyard.
The following equipment has been selected:
Full-Body harness: List manufacturer and model __________________
Lanyard (not to exceed 6 ft. long): List manufacturer and model _______
Personnel are prohibited from using their own personal equipment. Tree climbing belts are not allowed to be used as a substitute for the full-body harness.
Workzone Traffic Control: A Temporary Traffic Control plan is required to protect the aerial lift truck and bucket from contact with motorists. Accident history in Massachusetts public works departments show that a worker can be ejected from the platform when the aerial lift truck, bucket, or boom is struck by a passing tractor trailer.
As a default first choice, determine if the road can be closed to traffic.
As a second choice, the road may remain open if a deliberate Traffic Control Plan has been designed.
Do not raise bucket above a lane of live traffic.
Provide adequate “Road Work Ahead” warning signs.
Provide adequate cones to channel traffic away from the truck.
A traffic detail officer does not substitute for a Traffic Control Plan.
Safe Work Practices
Employees shall always stand firmly on the floor of the bucket, and shall not sit or climb on the edge of the bucket or use planks, ladders, or other devices for a work position.
Leaving the bucket platform to access a roof, tree, or other structure is not permitted.
Belting off to an adjacent pole, structure, or equipment while working from an aerial lift is not permitted.
The boom and bucket platform must keep at least 10 feet away from energized power lines. [Municipal electric utilities conducting power distribution work have requirements outlined in 29 CFR 1910.269. Insert your procedures here.]
Survey the worksite for ground stability before setting up the truck. This survey should include slope, soil, underground pipes and septic, and other site features.
Outriggers should be used to ensure stability of truck when boom is raised.
Workers may not ride in the bucket platform when the truck travels.
When exiting the bucket platform, worker shall exit backwards, facing the bucket, and maintain 3-point contact.
When exiting the tailgate to reach ground level, the worker shall exit backwards, facing the truck, and maintain 3-point contact. Jumping off from the tailgate or cab is prohibited.
A copy of the manufacturer’s owner’s manual will be kept on the vehicle.
The following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required:
Full-body harness and lanyard for worker in platform.
ANSI Class 2 or Class 3 high-visibility reflective clothing, for all workers in or adjacent to a road
Safety glasses
Hearing protection when chainsaw is used
Municipal light and power companies: Electrical and arc flash protection (insert program here)
Pre-Trip Inspections
A pre-trip inspection following the manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual will be conducted before each use. When the pre-trip inspection indicates damaged or defective parts, the vehicle will not be used until it is repaired according to the manufacturer’s owner’s manual.
Lift controls shall be tested each day prior to use to determine that such controls are in safe working condition
Before moving an aerial lift for travel, inspect the booms to see that it is properly cradled and outriggers are in stowed position.
Modifications to the truck shall not be made without written authorization from the manufacturer.
Preventive maintenance and inspection of the vehicle will be conducted according to the manufacturer’s owner’s manual. Tag equipment out-of-service until repairs are completed.
Stop Work
The crew foreman will Stop Work and order workers out of the bucket platform whenever site conditions indicate that the truck could be struck by passing vehicles,