

  1. 網頁/App 落單
  2. 勾機達人馬上回電
  3. 提交現場相片/公司名片/公司資料
  4. 明天出機(99%早上8點前到機)
  5. 完工付款


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亦可到 租挖泥機價錢 【2021基本入門租機攻略及24小時勾機達人服務】 了解更多

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1. 確保所有挖土機均由有充分訓練的認可人員操作。所受訓練須包括緊急及救生程序。
2. 如未經批准,無論情況為何,一概不得移動或使用挖土機。
3. 定期檢查和徹底維修挖土機,該等工作須由合資格的機械工負責。
4. 確保操作員可得到一切有關資料,其中包括關於指令、訓練、監督和安全工作系統的資料。
5. 確保機械工、維修工程師和其他安全工作人員均獲提供操作及維修手冊、製造商的規格說明,以及檢查和維修工作的記錄,以便進行定期維修、檢查及檢驗時使用。
6. 挖土機在坑道旁傾卸泥土或前後移動時,須配置止動楔或止轉棒。
7. 挖土機必須在堅實的地上操作。
8. 操作挖土機時,避免太過接近懸壁、深溝和坑洞;對於危險的邊沿、下墮的石塊及崩塌的岩土、崎嶇地勢和障礙物,須加倍小心。
9. 須為工作人員制定適當的安全程序和方法說明書,以供挖掘期間遵行。
10. 進行挖掘前須與所有公用事業公司核實地下設施的位置及類別。在發現該等設施後,便應停止挖掘,並進行檢查。
11. 確保所有挖掘工程均由有經驗及合資格的人員監督。
12. 如挖土機倒車或操作員視線被遮擋,須委派指導員在場妥為監察和給予指示。

機械裝置的安全操作 3 – 5
13. 謹慎選擇合適類別和功能的挖土機,確保配合有關用途和工地狀況。切勿把挖土機用於非原本設計的用途(例如不可用來載客或用作起重機)。
14. 確保挖土機設有防止翻車設備和安全帶,並在斜坡上操作或行走斜路時予以使用。
15. 如發現挖土機的鏟斗、葉片、邊沿、齒輪及其他工具嚴重損耗或破損,便須進行檢查及作出匯報。
16. 檢查所有接位/鉸鏈是否已適當地加添潤滑劑,並確保連接銷牢固穩妥。切勿使用不合適的連接銷,例如以屈曲鋼筋條臨時改裝而成的連接銷。
17. 在挖土機開動時切勿上落,而操作員必須留在駕駛室內,並確保駕駛室的門緊緊關上。
18. 工作環境須有充足的通風和照明設備。
19. 把挖土機停泊在堅實的平地上,緊緊剎停,並在適當時加上止動楔子。無須挖土時,應將鏟斗及其他工具放置在地面上。
20. 除操作員外,挖土機不得載有其他乘客。
21. 豎設龍門架式的高度計,其橫杆必須採用堅固物料(如堅硬的木材)製成,並髹上紅白二色,以防止挖土機撞到構築物或架空電纜。
22. 確保在進行挖土工程時,駕駛室的前窗已裝上防護罩,以保護操作員的眼睛。
23. 無人操作的挖土機,必須關掉引擎。



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Operate an excavator safely for surface work at an extractive site






This unit standard is for people operating excavators for surface work at an extractive site.

People credited with this unit standard are able to, for surface work at an extractive site: describe safe work practices, environmental issues, and emergency procedures for operating an excavator; operate an excavator to load and place materials; and operate an excavator to excavate and strip materials.


Extractive Industries > Surface Extraction

Available grade



Unit 8922, Conduct safety checks before and after equipment use at an extractive site, or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills.

Guidance Information

1       Performance of the outcomes of this unit standard must comply with the following:

Resource Management Act 1991;

          Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSW);

Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016;

Health and Safety at Work (Worker Engagement, Participation, and Representation) Regulations 2016;

Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016;

approved codes of practice issued pursuant to the HSW Act.

2       Any new, amended, or replacement Acts, regulations, standards, codes of practice, guidelines, or authority requirements or conditions affecting this unit standard will take precedence for assessment purposes, pending review of this unit standard.

3       Definitions

          Company procedures mean the documented methods for performing work activities and include health and safety, operational, environmental, and quality management requirements.  They may refer to legislation, regulations, guidelines, standard operating procedures, manuals, codes of practice, or policy statements.

Dry means the surface is dry to touch and no rain falls during the task.

Industry best practice may be documented in management plans, control plans, company procedures, managers’ rules, occupational health and safety policy, industry guidelines, codes of practice, manufacturers’ instructions, and safe working and/or job procedures (or equivalent).

Job instructions are those given to the operator before undertaking a job.  They may include site safety instructions, contract drawings, and written memos.

          Wet means it has been raining for more than one hour before starting and is still raining during and on completion of the task.

4       Personal protective equipment must be used throughout operations in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.

5       Assessment against this unit standard must be based on evidence from an extractives industry site.

6       It is recommended that people seeking credit for this unit standard first hold credit for Unit 16703, Demonstrate knowledge and skills for driving on a road for endorsement T (tracks), or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills; and class of driver licence required for the vehicle being driven.

Outcomes and performance criteria

Outcome 1

Describe safe work practices, environmental issues, and emergency procedures for operating an excavator at an extractive site.

Performance criteria

1.1              Safe work practices for excavator operation are described in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.

                   Range           includes but is not limited to – vehicle interactions, pedestrians, edge protection, ground stability, overhead lines.

1.2              Emergency procedures for operating an excavator are described in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.


Range           operation and maintenance manuals (safety section), warning systems, isolating systems, extinguishers, site safety plan;

                        may include – two-way radio procedures.


1.3              Environmental issues related to the work site are described in terms of the impact of excavator operations.


1.4              The methods for controlling and monitoring adverse effects on the environment during excavator operations are described in accordance with legislative requirements, industry best practice, and/or company procedures.

Outcome 2

Operate an excavator to load and place materials for surface work at an extractive site.

Range       may include but is not limited to – reversing, working on slope, working on benches, working on unstable ground, wet or dry conditions, day or night shift.

Performance criteria


2.1              Pre-start checks are carried out in accordance with industry best practice, company procedures, and/or manufacturer’s instructions.

Range           includes – walk-around inspection, fuel, lubricants, water levels, hydraulic fluid level;

                        may include but is not limited to – cleanliness of windows, battery isolated, machine not tagged out, seatbelt.

2.2              The excavator is mounted and dismounted in accordance with the principle of three points of contact.

2.3              Post-start checks are carried out in accordance with industry best practice, company procedures, and/or manufacturer’s instructions.

Range           includes but is not limited to – warning systems, brakes, lights, leaks, gauges, operating controls.

2.4              Identified health and safety hazards are controlled and monitored in accordance with legislative requirements and company procedures.

2.5              Material is loaded to truck and/or hopper, or placed on ground to specified quantity with minimal spillage, and quality of material grading is maintained (where applicable), in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.

2.6              Communication is maintained with load vehicle driver in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.

Range           may include but is not limited to – giving direction for the positioning of load vehicles, audible signals, bucket positioning, two-way radio procedures.


2.7              Material is placed in truck and/or hopper, or placed on ground in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.

Range           load – placement, distribution, size.

2.8              Excavator is parked, shut down, and maintained in accordance with industry best practice, company procedures, and/or manufacturer’s instructions.

2.9              Documentation is completed in accordance with company procedures.

Outcome 3

Operate an excavator to excavate and strip materials for surface work at an extractive site.

Range       may include but is not limited to – reversing, working on slope, working on benches, working on unstable ground, wet or dry conditions, day or night shift.

Performance criteria

3.1              Pre-start checks are carried out in accordance with industry best practice, company procedures, and/or manufacturer’s instructions.

Range           includes – walk-around inspection, fuel, lubricants, water levels, hydraulic fluid level;

                        may include but is not limited to – cleanliness of windows, battery isolated, machine not tagged out, seatbelt.

3.2              The excavator is mounted and dismounted in accordance with the principle of three points of contact.

3.3              Post-start checks are carried out in accordance with industry best practice, company procedures, and/or manufacturer’s instructions.

Range           includes but is not limited to – warning systems, brakes, lights, leaks, gauges, operating controls.

3.4              Identified health and safety hazards are controlled and monitored in accordance with legislative requirements and company procedures.

3.5              Communication is maintained with other vehicles and/or machinery in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.

Range           may include but is not limited to – audible signals, two-way radio procedures, hand signals.

3.6              Material is stripped to contour and depth and placed in accordance with job instructions.

3.7              Area for specified job is excavated to the depth and level in accordance with job instructions.

3.8              Material is stockpiled without contamination or segregation in accordance with industry best practice and/or company procedures.

3.9              Excavator is parked, shut down, and maintained in accordance with industry best practice, company procedures, and/or manufacturer’s instructions.

3.10           Documentation is completed in accordance with company procedures.

Planned review date

31 December 2022

Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions




Last Date for Assessment



15 April 2011

31 December 2017



18 June 2015


Rollover and Revision


25 January 2018


Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference


This CMR can be accessed at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/framework/search/index.do.

Comments on this unit standard

Please contact MITO New Zealand Incorporated info@mito.org.nz if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.